Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Baby He Three...29 wks

This is my daring shot of the year...with the help of photo shop I was able to present this on our blog without offending anyone :o) We are still narrowing a names...and as of now have it down to about 10. Morgan has her favorite 3, I have my favorite 2 and Jon has his favorite 2.
If you have any suggestions feel free to email them we've had tons of great, creative names come through. The name needs to end in an 'n' and the middle name will be Allen or Dean.
A HUGE thanks for everyone's help!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Gavin's New Thing...

Gavin started doing this whenever he wants more of whatever it is he' s eating...It's just too darn cute & irresistable!

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Reason for the Season...

by Jon Klaus

Here we are ready to go into another Christmas holiday season. The lights are up, the decorations have been set out, and the caroling has begun. The problem is, no one is listening. We are all out shopping – running from store to store and mall to mall. We are extremely concerned about what we will get Uncle so-and-so, or our spouse, or our kids… or even what we will receive ourselves. But what about Christmas? Not the season for consumerism in America (if it weren’t for Thanksgiving our country would begin advertising in August) – but what about the actual meaning behind it?
Many would say the meaning of Christmas is gift giving. Our children would say it’s about Santa, or getting the perfect remote control car, or setting up a tree; but mainly about presents. And who could blame them? They have eyes, they watch mommy and daddy drop hundreds of dollars at the mall.
Many would say the meaning of Christmas is family. The fact remains that Christmas is one of the most stressful times of the year in our country. Air travel, car travel, gas prices, money, and least of all trying to find a way to get everyone together in one place at one time….. and then to get along! But who doesn’t want their children to remember their first couple of Christmas’ as being surrounded by relatives and good food! This is what I distinctly remember as a young boy.
Some would say the meaning of Christmas is all of the above rolled into one, and certainly this isn’t far from the truth. But I seem to remember one more thing. It seemed to involve a woman named Mary, and a manger, and something about a savior-born-as-child. I believe there were wise men, and a large star in the sky, and a good deal about reverence and holiness. Or was this just a nice fairy tale?
In fact, the reason for the Christmas season is Jesus Christ (Christ mas). It is the celebration of the birthday of the most important person in all of creation. It is about giving, but not presents. It is about family, but not just a gathering. It is a remembering of the all-important gift of God to humankind. It is interesting not that Americans celebrate it, but HOW we celebrate it. Did I get what I wanted….. did he/she get what she wanted…. have we saved enough money to meet these demands….. were there enough Tickle-Me-Elmos to go around, or will there be mothers fighting in the isles of department stores…..
Where is our head, where is our heart? So this season if you are one of the lucky ones, and you had enough money to get everyone a new such-and-such, and you will share this wonderful day with loved ones, and you don’t get stranded in a snow storm or caught in a department store feeding-frenzy on Christmas Eve, then don’t forget to thank God. But more importantly, tell your kids to do the same.

God Bless you this holiday season! ~ The Klaus Haus

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Gavin's Ready for Christmas

Morgan's Ready for Christmas..

Need some photos taken...visit some of my work at Contact me via email for a prices. Simple, Candid, Beautiful.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

O...O...O...Barak Obama & Oprah

This was a first for me and a very unique experience. I'm so glad I went. Oprah was of course Oprah...awesome! She's a very talented orator, and can speak like no other! Very motivating. Barak has some very lofty goals, and you can tell is sincere in his want to CHANGE the way our government is running. This was just a get fired up before the caucus in January, so no a lot of substance on how he wants to make his changes. He touched on many great subjects...I was interested in what he had to say on changing our current government operations, healthcare, education, and helping our environment and taking a stand on global warming.
I haven't made any decision as to who I'm voting for. Billary I'm a little leary about, due to her involvement with payoffs by insurance lobbiests and I don't know that she has the American people really in her mind. I like John Edwards but he was a lot on his plate right now with his wife. I think he's going to surprise people. Barak...has a lot of potential. Charisma, and a sincere want to make change in our Oval Office. Hmmmm....
My sister was closer than my mom and I and could grab these photos over all the heads :o) Quite a memory...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Big Eyes...

Guess what we're WALKING!!! Gavin started walking the evening before Thanksgiving. I hope to post a video for everyone to view so they can see the little miracle for themselves.
Best Wishes,
Shannon, Jon, Morgan & Gavin

Monday, November 12, 2007

You NEED to see this MOVIE!!!

A Note about SiCKO

Michael Moore has released a new documentary. If you are familiar with Farenheight 911 or Bowling for Columbine, then you will be used to his satirical style and wit. As with most of his films it begins with one premise and ends in a different place. It is this different place that has me troubled.

The film is wrought with humor as Moore takes us on a wild ride through the American Health care system. His attacks on Republican government are present and accounted for as usual. But then the film changes. We move from stories of the poor and unfortunate in this country who are uninsured, to the poor and unfortunate who ARE insured. There are countless stories of people who go to the doctor’s office, the ER, or the hospital and come back $100,000 in debt. It is the person next to you at work, or the person just down the street, or even you that can immediately become a victim of the US healthcare system if you are unlucky enough to get anything more than the common cold.

Moore’s premise is this: many countries outside the US manage their healthcare systems in a socialistic manner – the government equips the masses with free (or very inexpensive) healthcare, and they still have access to top notch doctors and state-of-the-art equipment. The US manages healthcare via insurance companies, and these insurance companies are run as businesses. This means that money is the bottom-line, NOT human beings. This thesis has no resolution really. Perhaps the only flaw in this film is that Moore gives no solution for the United States (if we are sick, do we go to Canada?!?!). It is this stalemate that has me most concerned. That John Doe can be happy, healthy, and successful one day; and sick, hopeless, and broke the next. Think your savings will help you? An average ambulance ride may cost you $3,000. A typical surgery around $60,000. Moore’s depiction of the young lady who was fully insured, but failed to get her ambulance ride pre-approved from her insurance company comes to mind. She was billed for the trip to the hospital. She was unconscious at the time!

So then, what do we do? Do we become fearful? Afraid to go outside? Do we purchase plane tickets to Britain on stand-by in case we fall ill? Here is what I think. The US has only a limited time left as a super-power if our culture continues to buy off everyone and everything for profit. Big Government isn’t always a good thing, that is certain – and this may not be the answer here. What concerns me is the idea that everything can be reduced to making a profit. We are not the first country that has tried this. There are other nations that have collapsed because government became useless. I hope America can live through its growing pains before we become a society of dollar bills. Our nation has an indomitable spirit, we can still use it.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Baby Three...

Profile... (already looks like his daddy :o) ) Gender...
Baby Feet...
These pictures are delayed, Morgan was hanging on to these in her sticker book.
They were taken on October 23rd so I'm sure he's changed tons...Baby He Three has no name right now. If you have ideas feel free to email us...there's only a few rules to follow. The name needs to end in "n" and the middle name will be Allen or Dean.

Best Wishes,
Klaus Haus
Jon, Shannon, Morgan & Gavin

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Trying to Perfect the Mohawk...

Uncle Wes this is for you!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

Open House

Double click the image to view details on our my open house for: Tastefully Simple, Discovery Toys, and the premier of Innocent Moments photography.

Innocent Moments...

Check out some of my pictures at I'm having a premier open house on the 16th and 17th of October, which will include new favorites from Tastefully Simple, and Discovery Toys with Sarah Cutwright. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Essay by Jon...

The Case for God: Jon’s version

In this article I will attempt to outline why I think there is little doubt that God exists -- and also how I have come to understand that there is a way to relate to Him, and also a way to know for sure that you can get to Heaven. If you haven’t clicked Close yet, then keep going and enjoy the read! At least you will know a little bit more about what makes me tick…..

Love and the Ten Commandments

Here’s the thing: human beings all grow up knowing what love is, and that it really does exist. Animals in the wild do not experience love, your housecat or dog cannot love the same way you can. They respond to kindness with affection, they are happy to see you because you feed them, and you can even teach them little tricks. But affection, contentment, and behavioral responses are not Love (in the human sense).

Parents; would you not sacrifice anything for your children? Would you not put up with just about any abuse, donate your kidney, “throw yourself in front of that car” to save them? Of course you would. So here is the thing: where does this altruistic and unabashed love come from? Certainly everyone may not possess this (nor even every parent), but the fact that it exists demands an explanation. Where does it originate? It does not come from Nature; time and evolution play no role in developing such strange behaviors as love. Evolution and Nature can only explain self-preservation and survival of the fittest. I’m afraid it cannot come close to explaining love.

Love is not a product of teaching or a learned response. Argument: my children grow up loving and well adjusted because we have raised them in a loving and nurturing household. Both of these things may be true, but had they grown up with dreadful parents in an awful household, they are still aware of love, and in fact still SEEK after love just the same. These kids have the same need for it as you and I – they have “the void” that can only be filled by this love. So then, where does this need come from? It has no part with Darwin. They can have a roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, etc. But love is still different, it still stands alone. It is unique.

In fact love comes from God. There really is no other explanation. It is not a by-product of Natural Selection, its existence is not dependant on upbringing or learned behaviors, and it does not evolve over time. It is just there. It is this undefined existence of the greatest human achievement that gives away its Creator and grants testimony to God.

The Ten Commandments

So then, what would a loving God do for a species of creature such as us? We have the Bible, we have Church, we have the Creation around us. Churches (while necessary and wonderful) are run by people – therefore they are imperfect. Creation is all around us, but we need not spend too much time discussing science vs. God, even though the two are actually closely interrelated. Let’s talk a bit about the Bible then, specifically the 10 commandments.

Let’s look at all 10 below (my own interpretation in parenthesis after each one):
1.) You shall have no other gods before me (worship the one true God please!)
2.) You shall have no graven images (don’t bow down to something man-made)
3.) Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain (Stop using Jesus Christ or God in your cursing)
4.) Remember the Sabbath (go to church on Sunday, not to work)
5.) Honor thy Father and Mother (respect your parents)
6.) Thou Shalt not murder (don’t murder in the criminal sense, and ALSO don’t harbor anger)
7.) Thou Shalt not commit adultery (no illicit affairs – this includes lusting in general)
8.) Thou Shall not steal
9.) Do not bare False Witness against thy neighbor (no lying)
10.)Do not Covet (a greedy heart; don’t lust after your friend’s car, house, etc.)

This is what God has told us needs to be done throughout our whole lives to gain entry into Heaven when we die. Can you claim that you have followed all of these commandments your whole life? I haven’t either! In fact given our nature, it is impossible! In our conscience we know that all of these things are true and righteous, it’s just that all of us fall short in one way or another. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t, right?

So then, how DO we end up in Heaven?!?!?! Ever notice that this is the part of the conversation where most people either A.) stop listening, or B.) walk away? It is easier to say, “How can we possibly know God’s plan” or “there is more than one way up the mountain”. Here is the thing: many of us stop when it gets tough. We believe in God, but do not investigate Him for ourselves. We believe in Heaven, but we think that it is a default destination – that everyone will end up there no matter what (no thanks to Sylvia Brown, John Edwards, and the like!).

The Reality of Heaven and the Road Map to get there

Thank you for reading this far. I am almost done! Here is the plain truth as I have come to understand it:

We are here on this planet to love each other, to help each other, and to develop our walk of faith with God. Most people have no problem with this. Here is the other part…. God has in fact provided a way that we can 1.) get to Heaven, and 2.) live fulfilled lives even on Earth. That Way is through Jesus Christ. He is God’s provision for mankind. Once we do the hard work of admitting that just maybe we may have sinned and fallen short of the 10 commandments in some way during our life, that we just may need forgiveness for these sins, and that we can accept the reality of Jesus – we are reconciled to God. In other words, the Goodness of God that is contained in Christ can begin to exist in us. Until this point we are just privy to a small part of “the Truth”. Some people never get over this hurdle. Many people stay in this comfort zone their entire lives. I would implore you to at least check out Christianity. Not necessarily church, or even the Christian down the street that should treat people nice, but doesn’t – but to investigate the New Testament and Christ.

The Best for Last.

If any of this has made sense in any way, and you are interested in actually knowing God and being certain that your default destination IS Heaven, then pray the prayer below. Whisper it to yourself and mean it in your heart:

“Dear God, I understand that I am a sinner and in need of your forgiveness. I accept your son Jesus into my heart and into my home. Please come into my life, and save me into Heaven.”

Okay, so What’s Next?

Here are some good resources to help you on your way to “investigating Christianity”:

1.) Acquire or borrow a Bible and take a look at the New Testament. There are a few language versions out there that are QUITE a bit easier to understand the King James: my favorite is the NIV version (New International Version).

2.) Check out some good books on Christianity: The Case for Christ and The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel are two of my favorites.

3.) Ask a Christian friend that you trust. Maybe attend a church service with them. Even ask me about it!

4.) Pray. Don’t trust other people to give you a straight answer? Ask God directly. Then sit back and watch as He puts people or places in your path that answer your questions.

5.) Not enough time to read? Try one of these web-sites:

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ballerina Butterfly

My mom and dad adopted a monarch Caterpillar about 2 weeks ago. They decided to hand it over to us for Morgan to watch as it transformed from the chrysalis to a butterfly. We had an exciting moment yesterday as it miraculously hatched yesterday. Morgan named it "Ballerina Butterfly."

Wednesday, September 12, 2007