Sunday, June 10, 2012

The God Circle Book is Here!

The God Circle: The Search for the Logical Christian Faith by Jon Klaus is now available!  Tired of wondering if God is real? Join author Jon Klaus on an exploration of science, reason, and philosophy as he seeks to guide the reader to a place where they can meet God for themselves. 'The God Circle' is a 98-page book which addresses the question: is God and the Christian faith logical?

Click on this link to order your copy today:


Saturday, July 16, 2011

The God Circle Book in Process

Hello all.  It has been a while since the last post on this blog.  I wanted to give people an update on my book.  I was able to meet with a local editor who agreed to freelance proof my manuscript, and I just recently finished the second draft!  I hope to have him view it again, and make any additional suggestions in the next few months.  Feedback has been largely positive from the test group of readers that have read through it so far.  I hope to have this book in print within 6 months, but we will see how things go!

Thanks to all of you who have been supportive of this process.  Look for The God Circle: the Search for the Logical Christian Faith coming soon.  I believe word of mouth will make this book successful.

- Jon


Monday, June 21, 2010

Jon, Just Chillin'

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Morgan's Window...

Morgan lost her first tooth last night after wrestling with her brother. She is now proudly showing her "window for her tongue" off in this photo.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Gavman is 3

Gavin turned 3 yesterday! It was an amazing day starting off with a breakfast brunch at Grandma and Grandpa Klaus' while Jon and I went to a wedding. In addition to his siblings, he had cousins, and aunts and uncles there to share in quiche, muffins, and pumpkin bread. Then we headed home to play with the neighbors for a bit, then off to pick up his awesome Tractor cake by Teal Cakery. Then off to the "secret park" to play with the Wajda's and cousin Maddox. Once the kiddos were tired out we ordered pizza, and blew out candles and played with his new toys. It was a full day but well worth all the effort, for an amazing sweet-heart! We love you Gavin!!!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The boys...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pioneer Boys

The boys wearing their Pioneer hats after the Hands on Farm at the IA state fair. We had a great time, and with snacks afterwards the boys were in heaven! Owen was fighting the urge to nap which is why there's no smile :o)

Morgan's First Day of school and 7th Bday

Lucky Morgan...for the second year in a row, she started school on her birthday. She was super pumped about both! She could hardly sleep or eat for about 2 days. So far she loves school, and her teacher.
If you're noticing the slice of cake missing from Morgan's cake...ummm...ask Jon about that. Luckily Morgan didn't seem to mind too much.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Monday, June 08, 2009

A Logical Faith...

Check out Jon's new blog:

I'm so proud of my husband! He is an amazing Christian and Theologian! I feel he can answer about any question on spirituality, Christianity, creation, God, and even the Bible. He dares to even cross over to those burining yurning questions we all have, and doesn't hold back. If you've got a question feel free to email him and he can post it as a new anynomous article on his blog. He loves anything that challenges so don't hold back!

Gavman's new buzzzzz cut...

Gavin loved his new haircut!!! He is not a huge fan of sissors but seemed to do much better with the clippers. Probably because he saw his big cousin Fisher get his done too. Such a handsome fellow :o) Gavin is right now busy trying to keep up with Morgan. He doesn't believe that size or age should make a difference. He sees his sister doing something, he thinks and knows he can do it too. His favorite song is "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," and he loves to sing it whenever he can.

Go Cubs!!!

Owen is now 15 months old, and pretty much walking. He goes short distances and would like to run like Gavin & Morgan, but his legs just don't go as fast as his brain would like for them to go. He climbs like a monkey, and can crawl faster than any four legged animal can run :o)

Purple Lightning

Morgan is in her second year of t-ball. Her team is called "Purple Ligtning." She has played all positions, and gets to bat every inning. Her last game she hit 3 line drives off the first pitch. Because she's extremely advanced in the game of baseball (help from grandma, grandpa, aunt 'manda and uncle brian) she has the coach pitch to her instead of hit from the "T" :o) She's still the smallest on the team but the fastest and mightiest :o)

Friday, March 20, 2009


The Gavman needs a haircut but this is a pretty good snapshot of the little guy, with a big heart. Is this not how little boys, rain boots should look? Can you tell he had tons of fun?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My little model...

I'm 1...

Owen Dean
I'm now one...I'm a picky eater but will try everything. I love milk and blueberries!!! I'm the same size of my sister when she was 2. I'm trying to catch up to my brother Gavin and Cousins, Maddox and Isaac. I'm not walking yet, but cruise around very efficiently. I love music, mom says I have music in my britches. I have 6 teeth, four on top and two on bottom. I also love to snuggle and cuddle with very soft things.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gavin & Owen

Nothing says fun like empty boxes...

A new stair master...

Winter Fun...

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Top 10 Beverages for 2008

Hi Everyone,
I took a brief stint working in Wine & Spirits with Hy-Vee this past fall. I just thought I'd Pass along some of my favorites. I like sweeter wines with a lot of flavor both red & white, and love a hoppy beer ;o) Just some reccomendations for anyone who might be interested.

Red Wine:
Red, White & Blue Tassel Ridge Winery (Top of my List)
Chocolate Lab
Red Cat
Concord Summerset Winery
Stella Rosa
2007 Blaufrankisch
Caba Moch Summerset Winery

White Wine:
Gancia Moscato D'Asti (Top of my List)
Hogue Reisling Late Harvest
Fetzer Geuwerztraminer

Eku Pilsner (Top of my List)
Moose Drool
Sam Adams Boston Lager (Top of my List)
Sam Adams Lite
Michelob Light

Monday, December 01, 2008

Some more recent pictures...

Morgan is extremely tired from school in this pic.
Gavin and Owen are believe it or not close to the same size. Last doctor visit, Gavin weighed in at 26lbs and Owen at 21lbs at almost 9 months. Owen is also long, as he's in 18 month clothing already.
Updates on Owen...he's got 2 teeth on bottom (this is unusual, as the other two kidos got their teeth when they turned 1). And he's got the army crawl down. He'll be crawling normally very soon!

Here are some pics we took at the Salisbury House in Des Moines. Gavin is missing because he decided to be 2 and throw a tantrum while we were there. Our visit was short lived, but I got a couple good shots in before we left.