Welcome to the "Klaus Haus." (Heißen Sie Willkommen zum Klaus Haus.) Wishing you peace and many blessings. (Wünschen Sie Frieden und viele Segnungen.)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tomorrow is the day...
I went in for my routine appointments yesterday, and had a growth scan done on the little guy just to see how big he was. He's currently in the 86th percentile, and approximately 8 lbs 1 oz, give or take about 7 oz in either direction. I've heard varying reports on the accuracy of these scans so late in pregnancy, so we'll just wait and see. The doctor agreed that an induction was still necessary, since I'm insulin dependant, and supposedly so much bigger than my past babies. The nurse even had a hard time hooking the monitor up for my stress test, because my budda was so big ;o) He (the doc) offered up a C-Section if I felt the need, but I turned it down since I've done just fine naturally with my passed two. No surgery unless absolutely necessary...
So as of now Jon and I will head to the hospital tomorrow morning around 7:00 and they'll break my water, and I'm sure new baby he three will come shortly thereafter.
As of yesterday I'm 3 cm dilated, which still means he can still decide to make an appearance at anytime.
I'm nervous, anxious, excited, and a little in shock. I can't believe I've made it this far without delivering early (since Gavin came so early). I also can't believe Jon are adding a new baby to our family hopefully by tomorrow afternoon. It's totally surreal since Gavin to me is still a baby at 17-18 months old.
Best Wishes & Many Blessings,
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Shannon's Top 10
10. My knee highs have become ankle highs.
9. Instead of packing a roll of TUMS I pack a whole bottle.
8. I walk into the doctor’s office and even the nurses are making comments like “When are you due again?” or “You’ve got to go sometime soon…”
7. My inny bellybutton is now perfectly flat to the rest of my body.
6. Whenever something goes wrong it has to be Jon’s fault.
5. When my maternity shirts can no longer cover my budda.
4. When I have to use Jon to help me roll over in bed.
3. I have to sit side-ways in the Pizza Hut booth.
2. I can’t reach the pedals but with my tip- toes in my manual shift car, if I move my seat up my budda is caught in the steering wheel.
And the NUMBER ONE reason I know that I’m really, really, really pregnant.
1. My budda shadow and budda enter a room two steps before I do.
I'm over 37 weeks now and still hanging or he's still hanging in there and the picture above is what used to be my belly button :o) Not much left at all.
My top 10 was created for some needed humor as I chug along or as my mom put it "hurdle" (hilarious image) through these last few weeks. These things have actually happened to me and I laugh everytime I experience some late pregnancy act of kindness. Such as: my balancing act that happens just to put on underwear, pants or socks. That medial task alone takes about 10-15 minutes, and if it doesn't have elastic it's not going on my body. Also my tennis shoes are now slip on tennis shoes.
I feel like the movie Matrix, and that I'm pretty much just plugged into life with this giant appendage that's plugged into me :o) For those of you who loved the Dark Crystal (by Jim Hensen) as a kid...everytime Jon comes home I try to drain his "living essense" so I can just make it through the evenings without totally crashing :o) It's become a joke between the two of us.
According to last week's appointment Baby He Three is still growing, which I don't know how, he doesn't have a whole lot of room. I know that he's safest where he's at right now so I'm trying to stay content with that. Jon and I were betting on whether or not this recent snow storm would bring him out. My Dad has told me there's a new moon on Thursday so I'd be happy if that could astrologically trigger the big day.
Best wishes to all...until the next post!