Monday, December 01, 2008

Some more recent pictures...

Morgan is extremely tired from school in this pic.
Gavin and Owen are believe it or not close to the same size. Last doctor visit, Gavin weighed in at 26lbs and Owen at 21lbs at almost 9 months. Owen is also long, as he's in 18 month clothing already.
Updates on Owen...he's got 2 teeth on bottom (this is unusual, as the other two kidos got their teeth when they turned 1). And he's got the army crawl down. He'll be crawling normally very soon!

Here are some pics we took at the Salisbury House in Des Moines. Gavin is missing because he decided to be 2 and throw a tantrum while we were there. Our visit was short lived, but I got a couple good shots in before we left.

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