As most of my family knows I have a strange sense of having a great long-term memory. Anyway one of my good buddies was remembering and reminding me about those foods that were great growing up, and then the company went and tried to make them better, but failed.
How many people remember the Casey's "Gut-bomber." It was a huge pizza pocket that just rolled around in your stomach for hours afterwards. Loaded with CHEESE, and any topping of your choice! Oh how I miss them!!! i think they weighed in at about 2lbs a piece. I know Casey's didn't try to improve them, they just stopped making them. I think we should petition to bring them back :o)
I'd love to hear anyone's comments on any foods they remember being better in the past than what they are today...
Here's some of what I listed to him:
*I wonder what ever happened to McDonald's Cheeseburgers the ones that were in styrofoam containers...As I get older they appear to be getting smaller.
*AE cottage cheese, that came in the paper container. It's never been the same since they made the switch.
*Do you remember Tang or Tab? Whatever happened to Tang, that was a favorite my Grandma Krenz used to make?
*Schwan's pizza used to come with smaller, more thicker slices of pepperoni, now they're thin and sparse like everyone else.