As most of my family knows I have a strange sense of having a great long-term memory. Anyway one of my good buddies was remembering and reminding me about those foods that were great growing up, and then the company went and tried to make them better, but failed.
How many people remember the Casey's "Gut-bomber." It was a huge pizza pocket that just rolled around in your stomach for hours afterwards. Loaded with CHEESE, and any topping of your choice! Oh how I miss them!!! i think they weighed in at about 2lbs a piece. I know Casey's didn't try to improve them, they just stopped making them. I think we should petition to bring them back :o)
I'd love to hear anyone's comments on any foods they remember being better in the past than what they are today...
Here's some of what I listed to him:
*I wonder what ever happened to McDonald's Cheeseburgers the ones that were in styrofoam containers...As I get older they appear to be getting smaller.
*AE cottage cheese, that came in the paper container. It's never been the same since they made the switch.
*Do you remember Tang or Tab? Whatever happened to Tang, that was a favorite my Grandma Krenz used to make?
*Schwan's pizza used to come with smaller, more thicker slices of pepperoni, now they're thin and sparse like everyone else.
* Hostess Cupcakes now have this waxy chocolate instead of real chocolate
* The original Pepsi Light was better than the new Pepsi Twist - it was more lemon-y, not as sweet
* Taco Johns meat used to be mushier, and was better in my opinion
* Bring back KFC's BBQ chicken - not just the strips, but let me have the chicken pieces barbequed again - the sauce used to be slathered on
* Wendys would slop on a bunch of ketchup, mustard, and mayo, making it really juicy. Now they are much drier - probably because more people eat while driving.
* Subway used to heap on the toppings too - they seem to be getting stingier. Bring back the days when it hardly fit in my mouth.
* Pizza Hut pizza in the seventies was the best ever. Thin and totally greasy. They were the first I remember to do "carry-out". It was placed on this carboard (like a frozen pizza), covered in tinfoil with a slit on the top to let out steam. I always ended up spilling some of the grease on me because I couldn't carry it level.
* Of course, I am still lamenting the demise of Shakey's Pizza - the real place, not when they switched to the buffet style (the pizza was different on that), although I liked the buffet as well.
* Remember when A&W burgers were good? I'll leave it at that. Bring back my Papa Burger!
And a whole paragraph on my favorite chip ever - Doritos:
As for Doritos, do you remember what the old ones tasted like before they switched to Nacho Cheesier? Growing up, the chips were thicker, they had more of the dark "burn" spots on them (which I love the flavor of that", and they nacho cheese had a bit more tomato taste than they do now.
Shannon, here's a food memory. Remeber when dad would take us to the swimming pool so he could fix the pumps, or whatever. I always got a nutty bar. Yum yum.
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