Monday, December 01, 2008

Some more recent pictures...

Morgan is extremely tired from school in this pic.
Gavin and Owen are believe it or not close to the same size. Last doctor visit, Gavin weighed in at 26lbs and Owen at 21lbs at almost 9 months. Owen is also long, as he's in 18 month clothing already.
Updates on Owen...he's got 2 teeth on bottom (this is unusual, as the other two kidos got their teeth when they turned 1). And he's got the army crawl down. He'll be crawling normally very soon!

Here are some pics we took at the Salisbury House in Des Moines. Gavin is missing because he decided to be 2 and throw a tantrum while we were there. Our visit was short lived, but I got a couple good shots in before we left.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Owen Dean not quite 7 months...

What heck was that flash mom?
Aren't I just a cutie?

As Grandma Krenz says "There's that sugar thumb."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Gavman

Go Cubbies!!!

Morgan's First Day of School...

Morgan started kindergarten full-time on August 18th. This was also her 6th birthday! She was extremely excited, and is loving school with her new teacher. I didn't tell her to pose for this either...what a ham! :o)

Owen Dean

A Bum Deal!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Maddox Photo Exhibited...

Hi Everyone,
The photo above I took of my nephew Maddox is being exhibited at the Iowa State Fair in their infamous Photography Salon. Out of 3600 photos and 1200 photographers, only 800 photos are on display from 545 photographers. I did not receive an award however the fact I had one out of four I submitted on display is an honor.
Take Care & Best Wishes,

Monday, July 07, 2008

Planet in Peril...

Take a look at this link to a CNN special:

Think...What can you do to help? What are we doing to ourselves?

I think we need to make as many people aware, aware of what this REALLY means! This effects everything, and everybody. No one is left out!

Can you post this link on a blog or your own website, can you donate a small sum or your time to help out a special cause? What can you do to help? Think...think...think

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cereal Eater...

Yumm, Yumm
In my tummy and on my face :o)
Awe yes, I have captured proof of another thumb sucker.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Monday, June 02, 2008

Monday, May 05, 2008

Owen 2 months...

Look at my chubby cheeks... ;o)
As Morgan says..."Oh, look there's a smile."

Friday, April 18, 2008
